Is Biden's latest Covid-19 vaccine mandate for employers with more than 100 employees legal?

Yes, there's solid legal ground.50%

No, the mandate is illegal.36%

I'm unsure.12%

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Vice President of Information and Security in Manufacturing3 years ago
The first item to notice is a mandate is not a law and cannot be enforced. Employers should have the option to request vaccines and if not use the CDC guidelines to use masks in close proximity areas. I am for vaccines that have been tested over a period of time and not a toxin that has been tested for 6 months before being rushed into people's bodies.
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Director, Information Security Engineering and Operations in Manufacturing3 years ago

The vaccine is safe and has been tested. I am for science.

Senior IT Manager in Government3 years ago

Over 8 Billion doses have been administered w/ remarkably few side affects. I'd call that a reasonable test.

Senior Director Engineering in Travel and Hospitalitya year ago
It protects the spread, so it just needs one node to spread! Good to mandate... the employees have a choice to work for someone who dont have this mandate
Director of IT in IT Services2 months ago
Question might not be relevant..

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Yes, this allows Google to see competitor compensation package structures and improve their own.81%

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Founder in Services (non-Government)22 days ago
I think Generative AI is an evolving area with no 'best practices' but many 'better than now practices'.   This means that experimentation with this technology and sharing the results of those experiments are how you can more
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