Do you think Threads will overtake Twitter in the long run? What would be the reasons if it did? Is Threads delivering on those reasons today, or do you just predict it will?

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Associate Director, ITa year ago
I have been from the Orkut days and i believe that Threads will not overtake Twitter in the long run. What mostly will happen is that they will co-exist as how different social media platforms co-exist today. Definitely Threads will create a dent in the Twitter revenue as its easy for the influencers and followers alike to link it with their Insta account. However, we should also not forget that Twitter has some loyal users and some of them have become more loyal after Elon Musk promised uncensored data. And given the history of Meta with exposing the users data with tricky terms and conditions, there might be divided users between Twitter and Threads and they both will co-exist. 
CIO Strategic Advisor in Services (non-Government)a year ago
There is so much interest in a suitable alternative to Twitter that Threads has the potential. If Meta makes a few changes, it could surpass what Twitter is providing. But there are some core challenges it must address first.
Managing Partner in Miscellaneousa year ago
It just further splinters the country and planet in to echo-chamber groups. It does nothing to make things better and only contributes to the broader societal problems largely caused by social media itself.
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Senior Information Security Manager in Softwarea year ago
It’s just a user-base issue.

And at this point, Twitter is tanking and Threads has tremendous momentum.
VP of Salesa year ago
By user count I don't think there is any question. Having access to Meta's userbase is such a huge advantage I don't think it's close. The better product....tbd

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Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez more
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