Do you think the rebrand of Twitter to "X" was a smart move? Why? How does it change your view of the platform (if at all)?

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Managing Partner in Miscellaneousa year ago
Twitter is yesterday’s news and was already in gradual decline. X may (or may not) prove to be tomorrow’s success. The consistent message is that the company is undergoing a massive transformation and fully willing to accept that the things that made it successful in the past will not be the things that make it successful in the future.

How many bets against Elon have ever proven to be good ones? There is a larger strategy at play. It will be revealed in time and the a-ha moment will inevitably follow.
Chief Information Technology Officer in IT Servicesa year ago
I'm still not sure if it's a smart move. For me, Twitter remains the primary source of information. Whenever any event occurs, my first instinct is to check Twitter. So, as long as the media and people continue to use it, Twitter has a good chance of remaining successful. The question is, who would be willing to leave Twitter and for what reason? The main advantage of Twitter is its vast user base and the real-time sharing of information and events. As of now, I don't see any other alternative that can match Twitter's reach and influence. While some people might be exploring Meta threads, if I had to choose between Meta and Twitter, excuse me X, the choice would be easy in favor of Twitter.
CEO in Softwarea year ago
I don't think the X change really matters, especially not without more context. Was it necessary, that depends on what Elon wants from the platform going forward. 

If he plans to integrate more feature/function in a broader platform, then X might end up being better than Twitter. 

I think if content on Twitter is improved, the name relevance will diminish. If he destroys Twitter (X) with his limiting of critical speech, X (the former Twitter part) will quickly become irrelevant. 
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Sr. Director of Supply Chain in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
I did not care for the rebrand. I think it would have been more powerful to update the existing bird and logo. 
CTO in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Call me stubborn, but I still and will call it Twitter rather than X,

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