What do you think is more important in supply chain transformation – strategy or execution?

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Director of Supply Chain10 months ago
Both are equally important and hold the same value to me. Without strategy, you do not have execution. Both must exist and be equally aligned. Cross-collaboration and communication are essential for both to exist.
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Sustainable Supply Chain Adviser in Healthcare and Biotech10 months ago

I can only agree with you. No execution without strategy and no strategy without execution is worth a dime. What is equally important, is how well these are aligned (as you pointed it out too) and how well communicated all these changes are.

Mission Diplomatic Technology Officer in Government10 months ago
Near source direct from vendor shipment with organization build, inventory registration, and labeling.

Before change it was procured, shipped to warehouse, moved to smaller warehouse, some times moved to 1/190 other warehouses, and then labeled, imaged, and deployed or shipped to employee at a rate of deployment or break fix. Often 9 to 24 months of supply was in backlog or delayed by the time it was deployed.

With intune and MID configurations we are testing micro batch deployment from vendor. 60+ hours of time from request to arrival similar experience like Amazon, but for scheduled deployment it can reduce 9-24 month of storage cost or hardware fermentation. The last line, fermentation, is a bit of a play/joke as we started to say new computers are like beer not wine, they don’t get better with time in the warehouse.
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Supply Chain Manager3 months ago
Both of them are important, a supply chain can´t be transformed with a robust strategy and the transformation itself can´t be materialized without execution. From my point of view the most important thing is how fast we move from strategy to execution, that´s really the key point. 
VP of Supply Chain in Transportation2 months ago
The best-formulated strategies mean nothing if they cannot be executed. From experience, so much time, resources, funds, and effort are devoted to strategy development (without always having the right stakeholders involved) that few are executed as intended. 

Strategy formation is only valuable if it can be implemented, adopted, sustained, and drive the intended business results. For me, execution is more critical.
VP of Corporate Development in Retail2 months ago
Strategy without execution is just an idea and execution without strategy can lead to inefficacy, redundancy and waste. Strategy and execution should reinforce each other.

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