Do you think generative AI like ChatGPT is useful for content marketing? Can it replace a content writer altogether?

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Director of Marketing in Softwarea year ago
It can be useful but not at the current stage of development. In my experience, the output of ChatGPT has been very generic, high level and mostly factually untrue. But of of course the technology will evolve quite quickly, so at some stage there will be more articulation and consistency. Then there is the issue with the quality or uniqueness of the content being developed by an AI tool, which might result in vanilla-flavoured look-alike content that does not really help the brand to stand out. Probably some content will be good enough, depending on the intended use, some other content will not.
CEO in Services (non-Government)a year ago
I believe that AI will give us more starting points for content - rather than staring at a blank screen, AI can allow us to start with something - an idea or even a rough draft, but it will be up to writers to make it work
Director of Strategy and Operations in Educationa year ago
1000% yes.  Possibilities are endless.  As Giovanni notes, its not perfect, particularly with facts.  But, as Jennifer notes, it's perfect for quickly putting a first draft down on paper.  I think the entry-level/functional writing role is a thing of the past.  As any technology does, new standards of productivity are set.  Just as the need for physical labor gave way to the "knowledge worker", AI causes us to think differently about the roles and work product we need.  
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CMO in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
I think it is very useful, but it should not replace an actual person. My director has taught ChatGPT about our organization and was able to produce over 30 draft pieces of content with references. She then ran these through the grammarly plagiarism checker and they are now ready to be worked on with our SMEs to make them company and product specific.
a year ago
My team has found success in using it to generate ideas, outlines and/or help add to content.  We do not use it to craft content as we believe our content needs to be in our brand voice and must be backed up by our experts.

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