Do you think collaboration across sectors and industries can contribute to more trustworthy AI? How can industry leaders, researchers, and organizations collaborate effectively to share knowledge, insights, and practical solutions in the field of generative AI?

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Chief Strategy Officera year ago
Collaboration is critical here. Many best practices are first established at one particular company for one particular type of industry. Subsequently, others realize that they actually make a lot of sense.

Accordingly, we need to do the same here to result in trustworthy AI. At the business level, there's three levels where a lot of progress can be made to develop frameworks and governance principles: 

The Business Leader level those decision makers coming together to talk about their overarching strategy, aspirations,  concerns, fears and apprehension; 

the Practitioner level — where people are actually doing the work with the models, datasets,  tools, understanding the use cases, what regulations they're up against and how those apply to some and may not apply to others; and importantly 

The end users -the people who are actually going to be using the AI based models. They can be the internal customers (employees) or external customers would be delighted using these AI tools.  You really need to understand where they're coming from, as well as what you're going to deliver to them. Perhaps, some kind of co-programming can help the practitioners develop AI tools addressing the pain points of these end users. 

When you bring those three pieces of the puzzle together with all the other researchers and organizations that are coming into play, you have already started.

This collaborative approach will help us to learn from each other and share the knowledge and best practices in a more involved and sustainable way that is in alliance with the regulations, privacy and proprietary rights, and responsible and ethical use of these tools.
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Chief Data Officer in Softwarea year ago
Yes, absolutely.  In fact, I would argue that collaboration is going to be *required* across a multiple of perspectives - starting with the development of some form of regulatory framework so we can get ahead of government efforts to do the same.  Ultimately, we need to collaborate with government, but starting that process with at least a draft of some idea of some shared industry perspectives on key issues will be far more productive than starting from a blank slate.  There are several efforts already underway here - but a great starting point for the average CDO is get more active in industry groups and events focused on AI.  

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Director of Marketing in IT Services16 days ago
All of my contracts with agencies line out that if they use tools they must pay for them. They also must point out what has been supported or written by GenAI. 
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