When things get busy, what’s the best way to protect the team’s work-life balance and reduce their stress levels?

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Director of IT in Consumer Goods2 months ago
In my experience, it's important to be upfront about the capacity of work one can handle. In the realm of software development, for example, if my workload is already at its limit, I would decline additional tasks until the existing ones are completed. It may seem harsh, but it's a necessary step to prevent overburdening.

It's also crucial to have a strategic view of where the company is headed. This understanding helps us prioritize tasks and manage our time effectively. If a task doesn't align with our strategic goals or if it's beyond our capacity, it's better to say no. You can't have two number one priorities. If there are multiple tasks labeled as top priority, it's essential to clarify which one should be tackled first.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we tried a new approach to understand each other better and maintain work-life balance. We held team meetings where we discussed not just work, but also personal matters. This practice helped us understand each other's situations and be more receptive to each other's needs. It was a successful strategy that helped us build trust within the team.

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VP of Engineering2 months ago

I agree with Karthik's viewpoint. However, in reality, we often find ourselves juggling multiple top priorities. Clear communication is key in such situations. Leaders should explain to the team why certain tasks are prioritized over others. This understanding helps team members align their efforts with the company's goals.

Also, it's crucial to encourage delegation. Leaders should train others to take up their tasks and share the workload. This approach not only reduces stress but also allows for personal growth. I often tell my team members that if they're not replaceable, they're not promotable. Sharing your tasks with others gives you the opportunity to learn new things and climb up the ladder.

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CTO in Media2 months ago
Building trust within the team is vital for maintaining work-life balance. As a manager, I rely on data-driven metrics to monitor my team's performance. However, these metrics are trailing indicators. It's important to have open conversations with the team and understand their stress levels.

Protecting the team's work-life balance involves working at a sustainable pace and adjusting tasks or roles based on the team's capacity. It's not about pushing the team harder, but about managing the tasks effectively.

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