Supply Chain and Sales Collaboration:  I would like to learn about potential concepts and models of collaboration between Supply chain Management and Sales. What are the potential benefits of such relationship?

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Director of Supply Chain in Miscellaneous14 days ago
To Clarify my post above, what are the concepts of collaboration between Supply chain and sales to turn suppliers into customers. 
CIO in Retail14 days ago
It is definitely a very relevant topic, because as long as your company can process more accurate and up-to-date data, your production values ​​will be significantly better. Additionally, any improved collaboration along your value chain with third parties, will reduce the amount of work your company has to do.
Sr. Sourcing Manager in IT Services7 days ago
Based on my experience, Supply Chain function can share Supplier Intelligence with the Sales peers about an existing supplier's needs, helping them identify potential sales opportunities. For example, a supplier's potential spend on your competitors; their frustration from their incumbent source of products and services;  their current contract renewal due dates; supplier's organization structure, their decision making process, their corporate culture, business cycle, etc. With these information acquired by the Supplier Chain professionals, their Sales peers can develop sales strategy to address supplier's needs and turn them into customer prospects. This proactive collaboration provides advantage for Sales peers that can't be acquired without input from Supplier Chain professionals. 
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VP of Supply Chain in Transportation7 days ago
My feedback is that supply chain subject matter expertise and revenue partnerships through sales channels is mission-critical to the growth of the business, establishing customer confidence, reinforcing brand reputation, and creating a competitive advantage. 

Most sales professionals are not supply chain practitioners, so they often lack knowledge and insights into supply chain management functions. A trusted partnership where sales own a client (buyer) relationship in coordination with a supply chain SME is invaluable. Supply chain SMEs can speak the right language, quickly diagnose potential opportunities or pain points, articulate value creation, and lend thought leadership in solving client problems. 

Once you can identify the point-of-entry to best provide a solution or service to the prospective client, and a supply chain SME who is a valued partner with sales, the shorter the sales cycle. Moreover, it is a crucial way to showcase capabilities that garner customer trust. 

Techniques deployed often include account strategic planning, begin with the end in mind sales principles, researching potential buyers in advance to know your audience, investing the potential client/customer by reviewing investor relations materials to identify a company's priorities, in-person sales meetings, site visits, and sharing case studies or practical examples of how your business has helped other clients tackle the same issues. 

The more you know about your potential client the better able you can position your company and its offerings to show value. A mutually beneficial relationship between sales and supply chain leaders is more crucial than ever in the rapidly changing global business landscape, shifting market priorities, and increasing client expectations. The greater this relationship is part of your core business operating model the more you can translate sales pursuits into actual revenue streams to grow your customer base. 

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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CFO3 days ago
I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez more
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