What strategies have you found most effective for re-engaging "at-risk" customers (i.e., customers that are considering leaving your product/service)?

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5 months ago
In our approach, we've found that a combination of personal attention and strategic planning is most effective. We work closely with our client account service manager, who is part of our growth team, to re-engage at-risk customers.

One of the strategies we use is a quarterly meeting with these clients. However, when a client is truly deemed at risk, we ensure that we have the right individuals at the table to make them feel valued and important. This includes understanding their value to our firm and, in the case of high-value clients, bringing in higher-level executives such as the CEO.

We take the process of re-engaging these clients very seriously, and we believe that showing our willingness to go the extra step to recover the relationship can be very effective. We ensure that we have a plan in place to continue this engagement going forward.

Our approach is not a one-off; it's a continuous process led by our service teams with marketing playing a key role. Marketing acts as the voice and advocate for the clients, and in many cases, we lead the projects to ensure these re-engagement strategies are implemented effectively.

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VP, Marketing5 months ago
On the residential side, turnover is inherent in our industry, given the nature of our business with both multi-family and student residences.  We have to take proactive steps to re-engage our at-risk customers. One of our strategies is maintaining a physical presence on-site.  This allows us to build relationships with our residents, promptly address concerns and resolve issues as they arise, which helps to effectively mitigate any potential challenges from the start.  On the investment side, our team plays a pivotal role in re-engagement efforts. We provide tailored messaging and collateral to communicate our commitment to their satisfaction. We ensure that they have access to the necessary resources and materials to support their needs and facilitate their re-engagement with our product or service.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
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