What are some tangible ways you improved your employees' experiences in 2023, and how is that guiding your EVP strategy now?

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Interim HR Director6 months ago
1) improved safety (never forget the basics) 

2) we did a bottom up TOM review  which lead to a redesign of  a large number of  roles . The new designs had a signicant impact on the daily quality of life . Because  actually what employees do for 8 hours a day matters in their perception of their work experience 

3)  we  upgraded our first line management development  , and opened some of the on line elements to all employees rather than just managers 

4) we held more ED&I segiment networking group sessions  with more speakers from outside 

5) Benefits wise we keep the enhanced mental wellness cover  and introduced an EV scheme 

Strategy is more of the same 
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Community User in Software6 months ago

Hey Peter, I am unfamiliar with TOM, would you mind helping me understand that better? 

Interim HR Director6 months ago

Sure , we were changing the Target Operating Model ,  so the fundamentals of the way the organisation was structured  to deliver. This was because of some new market oppurtunities we could see that we needed to have a different way of delivering to stakeholders. 

 So as a leadership team we looked at a high level value chain map to understand how we made money and what was critical to meet the opportunties  in the New operational model. 

We broke that map  down  in to value chain  streams/ groups  ( its a energy company so one stream was fuel , another cash etc )  looking at front to back processes where we mapped in detail  based off line Mgt and existing proccesses / Jds  who did what in the processes and where were were oppurtunities at a high level to change in line with the TOM.    We then verified what was happening on the ground  with the employees doing the work  and how they would improve what they do. These were combined  to allowed us to change the value chain across the streams.
Practically that meant  we created some new roles  removed others, people losts tasks and others gained and what we looked to do was to have clarity of responsibility  and ownership of the individual tasks  in a section of that chain.  

So an example would be Fuel testing was done by forklift drivers but they didnt like doing it for a number of reasons but mainly because it meant they were constantly late  / underpressure. So that task was removed and given to supply planner to do (Supply planners have to visit the bunker to measure oustanding stock anyway and automation was reducing volume of work)

Its not easy !  but  it is possible  to balance employee job satisfaction and operational performance . 
Hope that helps !

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Director of HR6 months ago
We conducted a number of discussion groups across the business and at all levels to really understand what the lived experience of our employees was.  Just the process itself was hugely valued by our employees, but of course it also gave us some really good insight into where to go next.
VP of HR6 months ago
Promotion of employee well-being with lunch talks and activities, together with launch of digital App

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view: https://www.rewardgateway.com/blog/employee-turnover-rates-by-industry

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