What are some options for me after retiring as a CIO? How do I start investing now to set up for success later?

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VP of Engineering in Bankinga year ago
If you haven't, you should start investing into the aspects of life beyond work (e.g. relationship, volunteering, personal projects) and find other fulfillment outside of work.

This book might be a good read:
The Earned Life: Lose Regret, Choose Fulfillment (https://www.amazon.com/Earned-Life-Regret-Choose-Fulfillment/dp/0593237277)
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Board Member in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago

A good book recommendation indeed Henry !

CIO in Educationa year ago
Look at companies like Vistage, there may be an opportunity to monetize your skills while still keeping intellectually sharp.
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Board Member in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
Before you retire, invest in building your personal brand on what you stand for and what you bring to the table. This does take time and some of the steps you can take are:

1. Write a blog, post on LinkedIn, contribute to tech/business magazines or portals; become friends with the journalists who could take your interview, snippets, views for publishing
2. Speak in conferences contributing your expertise and views
3. Volunteer to take guest lectures at various colleges
4. Participate in industry events and make your presence felt
5. Stay connected with the big IT and consulting companies

6. Network, network and network

All the best !
Digital Transformation Executive in Softwarea year ago
If you're interested in board service (paid or non-profit), that's a fulfilling path to provide guidance and oversight to small-medium-large sized companies based on your background and experience. 
CIO in Telecommunicationa year ago
Make sure you're investing in yourself.  Relationships and personal branding are a good way to start.  I would also add to make sure you're spending enough time networking. Look for volunteer opportunities, opportunities to speak and stay engaged.  Become a mentor. Stay educated on the newer technologies and current issues and challenges in technology that might be outside of your normal role and expertise. Work on staying healthy and fit.  Live big!

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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
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