Have you experienced extreme stress or burnout while working in cybersecurity?

Yes; I had to take extended time off to recover22%

Yes; but I kept working anyway54%

Almost; I was able to catch it early and made changes16%

No; I have not experienced extreme stress or burnout7%

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1.6k views2 Upvotes1 Comment
IT Manager in Construction15 days ago
Thanks for the survey, I remember we have also a Gartner analysis about:

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Stay Flat44%


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2k views4 Upvotes
IT Manager in Construction10 days ago
Hello, A5 licenses? I am asking as the A5 are for faculty, just to have a better focus of what you need.

1.6k views1 Comment

Within the last month14%

Within the last 3 months51%

Within the last 6 months22%

No resume needed - I love my job!11%

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3.1k views1 Upvote