What are some new sales management or leadership strategies you're trying this year? Anything creative to share?

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CEO in Software6 months ago
Deploying AI into people through using LLMs/Prompt libraries to increase engagement, reduce work hours and improve the quality of customer/prospect engagements.
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VP of Sales6 months ago
I would not say it is new for me, and it may be a small thing but it is well worth it!  I have started sending weekly Monday motivational emails to the team to get them pumped up for the week. We do not know everyone's story and coming off of a weekend can be challenging sometimes depending on how you spent it.   Every Monday I send one out and it has become a "thing" for people that don't even directly report to me. 

I did not realize it would resonate so well with the team until I forgot to do it for about 2 weeks and started getting emails from the team asking where the emails were.  Sometimes it is the small things that count as big things for your employees.  Motivation is key a lot of times in the sales world with all of the ups and downs we go through.  

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Director of Sales7 days ago
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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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