What are some of the key skills and competencies that data leaders need to effectively manage AI in their organizations?

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President & Chief Data Officer in Services (non-Government)6 months ago
Data leaders need a comprehensive understanding of regulatory policies and data governance. They should be able to differentiate between a lab environment and a production environment. In the lab, data is usually static, while in production, data needs to be near real-time or real-time. This is where the concept of data drift comes into play.

Leaders should also be able to create an economic model to demonstrate the potential ROI. 

This involves doing proof of concepts and being able to articulate the economic return on investment. The value derived from AI isn't always financial; it could be brand awareness or marketing. But leaders should ensure that they test their products in the lab environment and understand what is feasible scientifically and economically.

Data leaders must also be charismatic and articulate. They should be able to communicate their vision for data science and AI strategy and strategic roadmap. They need to understand how to prioritize projects and explain their decisions to stakeholders.

Also, Data leaders need to be aware of policies, regulations, and data governance. They also need to know how to identify opportunities, develop a strategy, and communicate that strategy to stakeholders.

Chief Technology Officer in Software6 months ago
The data ecosystem in enterprise IT can be divided into three parts: analytics data, data for generative models, and data for normal AI models. Understanding this data is crucial for leadership.

Data leaders need to have a good understanding of data engineering. They should know where the data is coming from, how it's stored, and what its format is. They should also understand how a data lake or data warehouse is maintained.

It's important to understand that different types of data are required for the entire AI and analytics ecosystem to run. Even though the data comes from the same ecosystem, it needs to be prepared differently for normal AI models, Gen AI, or analytical purposes.
Chief Strategy Officer6 months ago
The future generation of data and analytics leaders need to be adaptable, informed, and ethically aware. While the technology and terminology may change, these core skills and values will remain relevant.

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Chief Data Officer in Travel and Hospitality6 months ago
Data leader skill requirements include business process change awareness and skills.  All impactful solutions will change (disrupt) a core business process. Lack of focus/skill here is the #1 root cause of failed initiatives.

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