What are some of the formal, alternative titles that have been assigned to the internal audit functions within companies or other entities that you have heard of?  Even more specifically, what alternative names are out there which attempt to describe the IA shop of tomorrow (e.g., Change Agents)?  I have read some names in past IIA periodicals, but cannot recall them.

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Information Security Manager7 months ago
I’m not aware of any innovative terminology for IA.  The county’s IA is simply “Internal Audit”.  IA staff are referred to as auditors with adjectives to indicate area of expertise such as “IT”, “Assurance”, “Vendor Compliance”.
Vice President - Internal Audit and Enterprise Risk Management in Healthcare and Biotech7 months ago
Most of the alternate titles that I've seen seem to deemphasize the "audit" terminology, presumably to make the connection to a more collaborative/partnering relationship. Examples include "Risk and audit services" or similar derivations.  I have seen some orgs use "assurance" in place of "audit"; my sense is that the "assurance" term is more meaningful to audit practitioners than to most of the internal business clients.

CFO in Travel and Hospitality7 months ago
Some companies are now using the word of Risk Management departments which includes risk audits and internal audits teams.
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Auditora month ago
Corporate assurance

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