What are some concrete ways you determine when a sales rep on your team has reached their capacity in terms of customers or territory they cover?

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Director of Sales6 months ago
I am going through this right now. I’ve noticed missed meetings, coming to meetings late and/or unprepared. I’ve also noticed lack of follow up and follow through both internally and externally with customers. Team members are complaining as our customers. Instead of acknowledging, I’m getting excuses.
VP of Sales in Software6 months ago
This is a hard question to answer because not all customer books are created the same way, but benchmarking on leading indicator KPIs could be useful. If you have a way to normalize books by the level of complexity, relationship strength, and other important characteristics and you have strong KPIs that show seller activity, then you can benchmark by types of books...
COO in Software6 months ago
Pipeline reviews are one of the best ways to check whether sales reps have reached their capacity. For each active opportunity they are managing there should be clear progress in terms of activity and status. Set and communicate clear objectives for what you expect. You can use data analytics on previous opportunities to set baselines in terms of number of opportunities per rep and use these to guide where you may need to look more closely. Accurate and consistent updates to your CRM system will be crucial to keep track. 
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CSO5 months ago

Excellent comment. You will get a clear understanding of where time is being spent on a funnel review. Having a regular cadence is key.


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