What sales tools have you implemented recently that have increased the productivity of your sales team? Anything you can share?

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VP Sales in Software7 months ago
Copy.ai has been a game changer for prospecting personalization at scale 
VP of Sales in IT Services7 months ago
Reimplemented setup for sales loft to help the sales team be more efficient. And HubSpot...
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Director of Marketing7 months ago

Mark, curious about which tool you were using before you reimplemented Sales Loft, and why it was your choice to add back into the mix?  We are looking at dropping Sales Loft and replacing with Salesforce native email tools instead. Thanks!

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VP of Sales in IT Services7 months ago

Sorry, I should clarify. They already had salesloft, but setup badly, so I re set it up. It's a HubSpot setup in current job.

Imho outreach works better with Salesforce, worked with it in last 2 jobs.

Depending on requirements, I don't know that Salesforce native tools are up to it as an alternative? But I am 2 1/2 years out of Salesforce

VP of Sales7 months ago
We started using getmagical.com a couple months ago, free chrome extension.
SO many use cases but some of my top ones 

-  autofilling Hubspot (they have a few CRM integrations) 
-  ai recommended responses to emails
-  it can scrape websites for faster researching
-  get new response ideas for objections 

The team that has embraced it has found significant time savings, but for some there was a learning curve. 
Director of Sales7 months ago
We have implemented a few sales tools that have been very useful in the last year, but I can mention 2 that have been remarkable in the result they have given us:

1- Customer Relationship Management (CRM). It has assisted us greatly in the management of our relationships with customers. With it we can keep track of existing customers, enhance those relationships, improve our customer retention, etc. Specially us that are a large company that has lots of client data. HubSpot is the best one in this aspect, but we can also mention ZoHo CRM that has been used before. Our Salesforce has been way more efficient thanks to these tools. 

2- And as colleagues have indicated before me, SalesLoft is a game changer. It has many tools that make navigate through a sales process with an easier and more efficient approach. We love it! 

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