What's your experience of SaaS backed by GCP? Our existing SaaS providers rely on AWS or their own infra; we are starting on a project that could onboard a GCP-hosted IDaaS solution. That would expose us to Google Cloud's service & responsiveness to its enterprise SaaS customers. Anyone here have experiences, good or bad, of GCP as an indirect, "arms length" infra provider?

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Senior Software Engineer in Softwarea year ago
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) is a widely used cloud infrastructure provider, and many Software as a Service (SaaS) companies rely on GCP to host and deliver their services.
Regarding the indirect, "arms-length" relationship with GCP, it's worth noting that as a SaaS customer, you typically interact with the SaaS provider rather than directly with the infrastructure provider. The SaaS provider is responsible for managing the underlying infrastructure, including any interactions with GCP.
You may consider reaching out to potential GCP-based IDaaS providers and requesting references or case studies from their existing customers. This can give you a better understanding of how GCP performs as a hosting platform and how satisfied other SaaS customers have been with the services and responsiveness they received.
Remember to also consider your specific requirements, budget, and priorities when evaluating GCP or any other cloud infrastructure provider for your SaaS project.
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CTO in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
We have used GCP in past. No major issues as such. Just that AWS has more services available.

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