Should you remove a low performer even if you have open positions to fill?

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Founder in Services (non-Government)a year ago
Yes- and look to see if there is a better role suited to their strengths. For example, if you have a low performer in the Business Development Role because they put off cold outreach, but they have good business acumen, evaluate them for a customer success role. Keeping a low performer is where the bar for the rest of the team will be set. It is also frustrating for the one in the ill-suited role who wants to go to work everyday to fail?
Head of Sales in Softwarea year ago
You need to figure out if they're a low performer because of a lack of support or if it's anything that the company is doing. We do a ton of work trying to enable the team and help them understand how to sell. I do some coaching and create a non-traditional performance plan. We write out the things that we agree to support them on in a certain timeline. Outlining what we need from them and what things they can or cannot achieve in that time. We give them a quarter to make it work and have set objectives to be successful. They sort of create their own destiny from there.
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CSO in Mediaa year ago
of course, the answer depends...
low performer - just a bit off quota? a horrible performer? 
just not selling or bad culturally? 

A lot to consider to make that decision. 

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Director of Sales Enablement in Telecommunicationa year ago
Hopefully the company has organized the strategy of "keeping self-service" customers long-term.  Use those reps to ensure customer satisfaction and share resources with those customers.
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