With a remote sales team, how are you approaching virtual sales enablement? Can you elaborate on any specific strategies, tools, or training works that have worked for you?

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CEO in Services (non-Government)8 months ago
Our sales team is 100% remote.  

We depend use a number of tools in different categories.  Here are a few of the key categories:

1. Electronic signatures
2. CRM
3. Sales enablement/content management platform
4.  Conversation intelligence recordings
5.  Chat messaging/Slack
6.  Meeting/collaboration/zoom
7. Google Drive/Drop Box

And a number of other lead gen/cadence/data tools.  
Director of Sales and Business Development in Software8 months ago
It's so important to prioritize.
We often used 3 tiers. 
Tier 3 would be more "updates" quick feature hits or other documents usually sent via email
Tier 2 would be a bit more complex and be released in some sort of LMS platform
Tier 1 would be released at a Zoom session where it would be taught and practiced 
CSO8 months ago
First it's important to understand what each person needs specifically. Once that is defined then you created a customized development plan for each person. One of the questions I ask reps is

"The last time you read a book, how did you consume it? Options: Read a physical book, read an ebook, listened to an audio book, watched a Youtube video synopsis or I don't read books" 

This allows me to understand how that person best learns and I ensure I deliver them content in that way. Go deep not wide with training. Meaning focus on one skillset at a time, check for mastery and then move on. 
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Head of Sales in Software7 months ago
1 to 1 training as a must, with 1 to many training. 1 to many training is the main way people are implementing right now but it is just too easy to tune out to another zoom call. As a leader you  must get in the weeds with the team and really understand how each team member is using the solutions in your tech stack and test their capabilities on even basic functions of the platforms being used.

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CSO in Education8 days ago
Define lower level customers? Are you referring to non c level audience I.e. managers? Or enterprise c level vs small businesses?
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