What is your process for handling succession planning after an unexpected departure of a key member on your HR team?

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CHRO2 months ago
Whilst we have a robust Talent & Succession Planning cycle, sometimes we don't automatically have a successor that is ready or that aspires to the open position. In that case, we use the opportunity to ensure the vacant role is still necessary, or whether there is an opportunity to revise it and bring in new skills & capabilities. Then if applicable we advertise - typically headhunting as opposed to agency. 
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Director of HR2 months ago
I always made sure I had it somewhat handled before the departure of someone who was key.  I've always made sure there was a back-up in the team.  I'm also quite comfortable with someone stepping up who doesn't have the experience of the outgoing person but is keen to develop - I don't feel the need to replace like for like.  For me it's a great opportunity to energise the team with development opportunities.  I prefer not to go outside for a key role.

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