What are organizations using to validate physical addresses when selling to customers or simply adding new customer or supplier records to their e-Commerce solutions or ERP systems?  We are looking for a high-quality, yet economical solution.

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Chief Technology Officer in Softwarea year ago
We add customers to our records and our supply chain partner Pidge validates the address during delivery.
Manager in Constructiona year ago
We looked into this but haven't actively started using them,.loqate seem to offer a good service and has integrations into most systems.
VP of IT in Softwarea year ago
we are still trying to figure this out. we have not put anything in place yet.
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Sr. Director, Head of Global Omnichannel Capabilities Delivery Center in Manufacturinga year ago
Unfortunately, we have to use 3rd party services such as DnB to validate email addresses, physical addresses, etc.  We also enable self-servicing options for customers to do their own account management/validation to help us along.  We usually do this at the time of onboarding to ensure they are engaged and provide us the best contact info.  However, as things change thru the course of the relationship with the customer, we have to fall back on services like DnB provide.
CTO in Transportationa year ago
We use Goggle maps APIs

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Yes, visibility for protecting key employees and executives on social media is part of our cybersecurity budget.56%

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