What are your organization's plans for CrowdStrike following the recent outage? Are you re-evaluating your relationship, and if so, how are you avoiding making a knee-jerk reaction?

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CTO in Insurance (except health)2 months ago
We noticed that due to a balanced approach between Windows and non-Windows based systems, our portals and core systems were not significantly impacted by the outage. This resilience allowed us to concentrate on internal issues, primarily focusing on VPN and internal end users. By chance, we had a favorable balance that helped resolve the issue.

Our goal is to maintain robust cybersecurity measures that protect our organization effectively. At the same time, it is evident that we must reduce our dependency on single points of failure without compromising the safety of our systems and customers.

We are committed to making informed, strategic decisions rather than reacting impulsively to a single event. We are not currently re-evaluating our relationship with CrowdStrike, but we are assessing whether this accidental balance is beneficial for us in the short term. Additionally, we are exploring options to eliminate or reduce dependency and single points of failure in the long term.
Information Systems Enterprise Architect II2 months ago
We do not use 'CrowdStrike' directly; however, do have third party vendors that use 'CloudStrike'.
We are monitoring their response. 
Chief Information Technology Officer in IT Services2 months ago
 If considering a switch, run pilot programs with alternative vendors to test their efficacy and reliability before making any major changes.
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CISO in Software2 months ago
The market pricing and negotiation leverage has certainly changed for many organizations in the process of licensing, renewals, etc.
Vice President - Enterprise Platforms & Cybersecurity in Energy and Utilities2 months ago
We are not re-evaluating our relationship, we are in discussions with them to expand the services we purchase from them & feel the recent incident gives us additional leverage in pricing discussions.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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CFO3 days ago
I recommend that you consider finding an outside third party to perform the audit.  I have had to do something similar with an unprofitable division/product line that reports directly to our CEO. We outsourced with Alvarez ...read more
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