Is your organization leveraging automation for the completion of EEO-1, or employing any other tech tools to ensure EEOC compliance?

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Director of Operations and General Counsel in Manufacturing8 months ago
I haven't seen automation leveraged, so to speak.  Although perhaps that depends on how and to what extent we define "automation."  Many HRIS platforms provide reporting capabilities which should trivialize EEO-1 reporting.  Human review prior to submission still makes sense to avoid gross error, although the potential for error should be quite small with well managed HRIS.  I'm not sure if any HRIS systems electronically file the information automatically on the employer's behalf, though, since the EEOC web portal must be utilized (EEO-1 Component 1 Online Filing System (OFS))
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Chief Data & Innovation Strategist in Software8 months ago

Hi Chris. Thank you so much for your detailed response. My focus was primarily on completing the EEO-1 and leveraging people analytics to monitor potential trends and employee sentiments that could lead to EEOC complaints. I'm trying to assess the proactive nature of organizations in this regard. Are they more proactive or reactive? Thank you again for your insights.

Director of Operations and General Counsel in Manufacturing8 months ago

Hi Flo, thanks for clarifying.  From my experience, I would say that these things are more often reactive than not.  That said, I think the data is there.  With a well-equipped HRIS system for capturing EEOC relative data, it should be possible to move from reactive reporting to proactive monitoring.  Honestly, this might be another use case for LLMs/AI, assuming the algorithms leveraged could be, let's say, at least as unbiased as humans (hopefully more unbiased).

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Director of HR in Banking8 months ago
Our HCM is capable of creating the EEO-1 reports, however we have a vendor who does it for us as part of our contract to have the Affirmative Action Programs developed each year.  They also file CA Pay Data reports and Vets 4212 reports. 

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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has more
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