What new roles, if any, are required to support the emerging technologies you’re implementing?

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Chief Supply Chain Officer6 months ago
In the data analytics world, there's a lot of data but few people have the skill set to draw conclusions from it. You may have some analysts embedded in various parts of the organization, or you create a pod of super analysts that are function agnostic. They can draw the correlations that help inform their business unit leaders on everything from basic KPI performance to five-year capacity forecast. 

More and more companies are implementing lean principles, but sometimes they skip the part around the basic fundamentals of KPI and a scorecard. There's a cultural aspect of having the discipline to declare a math and science-based forecast, and then evaluate performance against that. 

The last thing I would add is in the planning space, there's a headcount associated with that. During the pandemic, people were taking anything they could get from suppliers, and now customer service and inventories are not where they need to be. There's a discipline in the planning process that some companies are trying to get back to, while others are embracing it for the first time.

Retired CSCO in Retail6 months ago
The technology world is going through just as much upheaval as the supply chain operations. The solutions you're buying and how they are available are changing. Having the technology aspect available in supporting technologies is incredibly important. I rely on my technology team to help with solutions, to ensure it's going to give the responses that I need. Their roles are changing to help drive the ROI, be part of the business, but look at it from a technology perspective and stability and availability.
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VP of Supply Chain6 months ago
I think it is an ROI conversation. When dealing with third-party partners, the expectation is that they're also supporting change management, education, and training. Most of them offer a full, hand holding operation. As we think about the roles we're building out on our team, it's a connection between the learning development team and our operations. Someone that is embedded in the operation and knows the day-to-day so they can acknowledge the things that are directly affecting the workflow and what we're automating. The same thing applies from the IT side.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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