What makes you the most optimistic about a positive future with AI? Something you read or did recently? The general sentiment in your industry? Proactive measures from government and regulators?

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Co-Founder & Director in Software8 months ago
I feel that AI is going to stay and probably take over a lot of things that we do today.

We've all been fascinated by how Gen AI has revolutionized things in the last 10-11 months, but I feel the real potential will be revealed or unveiled when we have quantum compute come in and work in tandem with AI. It might be a few years away from now, but I think whatever I have read in this space that's gonna be really transformational, things that we can't imagine now, will start to happen then. Good and bad both — Therefore, governance, ethical AI and data governance are the three most critical aspects we should look at right now. People are speaking a lot about ESG, but I feel that is a lesser threat. AI is going to be the bigger threat in maybe five years or 10 years from now.
Sr. Director, GenAI Program Management in Healthcare and Biotech8 months ago
Setting aside all the technical speak...I'm encouraged because more and more programs are being stood up to educate and equip people spanning multiple work personas with a digital mindset that comprises a set of attitudes and behaviors that enable individuals to identify and envision data, technology, algorithmic and AI opportunities within their domain of responsibility (and beyond).  These programs are rooted in new academic options as well as specialized workforce training programs with an emphasis in leading with a digital mindset.
Senior Systems Analyst / Team Leader in Government7 months ago
What makes me most optimistic about a positive future with AI is the growing emphasis on ethical AI development and responsible deployment. Seeing proactive measures from governments and regulators worldwide, coupled with increasing awareness and discussions within the industry about the importance of AI ethics and bias mitigation, instills confidence in the direction we're headed. Moreover, witnessing initiatives like AI for Good projects, where AI is harnessed for social good and solving complex challenges, reinforces the belief that AI can indeed be a force for positive change when wielded responsibly and ethically. This collective effort towards ensuring AI's alignment with human values and societal well-being is a promising sign for a future where AI benefits all.
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CIO7 months ago
Few points to summarise my thoughts on why I am most optimistic about a future with AI:

1. Ethical AI: Government and regulators understanding AI's power and the need to ensure responsible deployment and safeguarding against potential risks. It's complex, and hence slow, but eventually, they will get there.

2. Money pouring: News is all over about big corporates' and governmental focus on this tech, Trillions of dollars are being planned/allocated - be it software or hardware, and AI is on top agenda for almost all. Clearly, this is the biggest tech revolution we are witnessing in our recent history.

3. Industry sentiments: We are already coming across numerous use cases, where AI / LLMs are making massive positive impacts within certain sectors e.g. Retail and Healthcare. The way we shop online or in-store, or the way we diagnose disease and do patient care (assisted or unassisted) is all getting reinvented and changing for good!

4. Cross-over with other emerging tech: Combine AI as the backbone for other emerging tech like Robotics, Blockchain, Biotechnology etc. and you can very easily see and feel how the world we are living in will start to look very different, very soon!!

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Director of Data4 days ago
In my opinion, Advancements in AI and related data field have significantly enhanced our Master Data Management (MDM) strategy by automating data quality, integration, and governance processes. AI algorithms help identify ...read more
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