A magazine publisher recently created a complete issue using ChatGPT. Do you think that it is inevitable that editorial and content writing jobs will be completely taken over by AI?

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Senior Director, Technology Solutions and Analytics in Telecommunication2 years ago
Completely over taken, no but much less writing and more supervision of the AI. 
Director in Manufacturing2 years ago
I believed this type of AI will help reduce errors in stories by doubling checking figures, facts, dates etc

Perhaps automation of program documentation can be completed every time a new release is done

However for news and magazines there could be a lot of bias by feeding it skewed data, so still garbage in/garbage out is still a factor just as it is for other applications
CEO in Software2 years ago
No matter how sentient computing becomes that includes AI and Neural networks, they will never be able to take over the human mind, when it comes to creativity. We, humans created AI and Neural networks and other forms of technology, we humans can also beat these technologies.
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Senior Director in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
I believe this will be taken over by AI
Director of Engineering in Software2 years ago
Sooner or later , yes.

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