Looking for consulting partner to help us move from current state to future state.  This would include full assessment of people, process, and technology.  End goal is exceptional service that is scalable.  Any recommendations for consulting partners in this space?  Pharma / regulated industry experience required.

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Founder in Services (non-Government)a month ago
I believe most traditional consulting firms will have something to offer based on your question.    If you are able to elaborate on the context (industry, desired outcomes, obstacles, specialities, timeline, complexity, scope) then I or others could give a more specific answer. 
2 Replies
Director of Customer Success in Healthcare and Biotecha month ago

Pharmaceutical industry.  Looking to better deploy technology, such as process logic and automation.  Currently utilizing a popular CRM and cloud-based telephony.  Desired outcome is to be more efficient, more scalable.  As volume grows, I'd like technology to help with some of the repetitive steps.  

Partner in Consumer Goodsa month ago

Thanks for expanding on the detail, this is well within the capabilities of most mid to large size consultancies. Depending on your organization's size you may want to consider who will partner best with you from a culture fit and domain knowledge perspective. If you are a large global, who buys lots of consulting you will know how to navigate the world of the big 4, if you are not global you may want to consider a mid size team with cross functional capability. Having been in both types I know the benefits and disadvantages of both. 

From the notes above I think you would be looking for a team that can help with process work focused around user and customer experience to map the journey well, then be able to build with their tech and data teams, functional and tech specs for the technology and supporting data platforms that will be your foundation to scale up from. You also describe use of tech to increase use of automation, your chosen team will ideally be able to offer you the AI skills and the knowhow to use the larger providers' platforms. Many of them offer out of the box capability that is scalable so ideally your consulting partner will have experience of locking your preferred process down within that platform without too much customization. 

One further reflection on your end goal - Exceptional service that is scalable  - the service experience should define the outcome, the tech should enable, I know that may sound obvious but in so many cases it is not, and the implementations are quite often not value adding as a result. 

I hope there is something useful for you and your team in here, I am sure other members of the community can offer more insight as well.

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Director of Dataa month ago
Are you looking for leveraging GenAI for enhancing Customer Experience?

VP of Customer Success in Healthcare and Biotecha month ago
I can refer you to Vai consulting. All their consultants have extensive experience and have come from large firms including regulated industries. I'm happy to make an introduction for you.

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