What kinds of development and reskilling opportunities are you providing to employees whose jobs may be at risk of replacement?

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Sr. Director of P2P in Software6 months ago
A significant part of our approach involves exploring new technologies. We strive to provide our employees with the opportunity to use these technologies, especially those relevant to their specific roles. This hands-on experience is then followed by discussions about potential new processes.

We ask questions like, "What could this new process look like?" and "How do we see ourselves fitting into this process as a team?" These conversations also touch on the changes we may need to make as a team.

We place a lot of emphasis on one-on-one talks, getting down to a personal level, because I believe this is a very personal matter. My team deserves that personal touch, the opportunity to voice their thoughts, and to learn one-on-one about the different technologies available.

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VP of Supply Chain6 months ago
We've actually had some recent experience with this. We had some automation coming into the business that eliminated a labor force of almost 40 individuals. Knowing this was coming, we started repurposing some of those folks inside the business about six to eight months ahead of time.

We were very transparent about the changes coming. It's easy to acknowledge the situation and discuss the opportunities with the employees. However, it becomes more challenging when you reach the end game and there are a few individuals who refuse to adapt.

This is a reality for anyone leading operations and dealing with the consequences of adding AI and automation to their businesses. There will always be people who are resistant to change, but I believe that number is decreasing.


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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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