What are the key mindset or cultural shifts that need to occur within the sales team to become more data driven? Where do you find the equilibrium between using intuition and hard data?

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Director of Sales5 months ago
I'm currently experiencing a lot of distrust from the sales team around data. There's a lot of old or bad data in our systems, and it's challenging to get them to enter the information correctly the first time. I believe we need to create buy-in for each individual salesperson to invest in the ability to provide clear information. It's crucial to show them how this information will help them and where these outcomes lead. We have a mix of generations in our sales team, and their responses to data-driven tools vary greatly. So, there isn't a one-size-fits-all solution; it's really individualized.
VP of Sales5 months ago
We all need to embrace data in our decision-making because it's objective and removes biases. It's also easier to align people with your decisions when they're based on data. However, it's not just about data-driven decision making. We also need to use our intuition and gut instincts when we don't have the data or when the data quality is poor. So, for sales teams, it's about balancing their EQ and IQ, as well as their intuition and data. The most effective and successful salespeople are the ones who leverage the data from our CRM and other tools and use it to see what's working and what's not. They also use their subjectivity in building customer relationships, understanding customer emotions, and leveraging that in building relationships further.
VP Sales in Software5 months ago
I've worked with my teams to view data as a strategic partner, not just a reporting tool. I believe in full transparency and making informed decisions throughout the sales cycle. This requires cultivating a culture of continuous learning. I'm always bringing different webinars, ebooks, and benchmark reports to my team's attention to embrace new insights.
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VP of Customer Success in Healthcare and Biotech5 months ago
In my experience, using data and showcasing it for thought processes is key. However, it's about choosing the right data. We have a lot of data at our fingertips, but it's important to take a 360 view and get a bigger picture. For instance, you might have two sales reps: Rep A has a higher Average Contract Value with more deals, while Rep B has a lower ACV with fewer deals. At first glance, Rep A might seem better, but if you look at other factors such as customer lifetime value and churn, you might find that none of Rep B's customers are churning, indicating they're doing a better job of bringing on the right Ideal Customer Profile. So, it's about having the right data and the right view, using business unit economics, and avoiding being siloed.
Head of Sales in Software4 months ago
It starts with leadership. If you're not a data driven leader you will not get buy-in from your team. 

You must use both intuition and hard data. You can be informed by data on what is or isn't happening but add your intuition to what the data is telling you. Numbers are great but without a narrative or analysis they are meaningless!

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
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