Integrating AI into well-defined workflows makes ROI easier to calculate. With clear applications, businesses can better measure AI's value, and maximize returns on their AI investments. What other approaches are you using to justify AI investments, beyond a POC?

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Lead Technology Enterprise Architect8 days ago
It is important to understand differences between GenAI, AI and Copilot and frame governance, standards and guidelines for their usage. Security and Compliance are primary for any of these solutions that you are building inhouse or buying it from market. If it is a well-defined workflow sometimes it might not require an AI component, and some might require based on usecases. It is important to go usecase by usecase to determine it. Value will not be known immediately but after some time as it is used and refined. Companies are getting overwhelmed with products adding AI feature even if it is needed or not. I come across multiple vendors having similar features including GenAI capability. It is more for sales pitch than actually providing any value to organizations. If you want to realize value evaluate and scrutinize solutions if they are really fit for the organization. Do not go by buzzwords. ROI is defined by different factors not just adding AI to a service.
VP of IT in Consumer Goods8 days ago
Few other successful approaches are a)Clear strategic alignment with business goals and link it to KPis 
b) Quantified benefits from PoC with sustainable benefits on long term basis will facilitate ROI justifications 
c) cost effective scalable AI initiatives will justify AI investments.
d) Outcome benefit linked input investment on AI initiatives - approach will also justify ROI
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Chief Information Technology Officer in IT Services7 days ago
Build a clear AI roadmap that sets out key milestones, business goals, and expected outcomes. By tying AI initiatives to long-term strategic objectives, we can demonstrate how AI will scale from initial deployment to more advanced use cases, delivering increasing value over time.

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Head of Enterprise Architecture MERCK Group in Healthcare and Biotecha year ago
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