If someone wanted to become a corporate controller, what skills would you tell them to master (besides being the best accountant they can be)?

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VP of Finance in Finance (non-banking)3 months ago
By far the best skill for upper level accounting roles is communication. You will not only need to make the right accounting decisions but explain them to auditors, executives and potentially regulators. The ability to communicate is the difference maker at this level.
CFO3 months ago
Adaptability is important. A controller needs to be flexible and adaptable. This helps them in responding to changes in financial regulations, market conditions, and company needs.
CFO2 months ago
Communication and organizational skills.
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COO in Finance (non-banking)2 months ago
Influencing and communication skills are critical to work with a broader set of stakeholders
Head of Corporate Development2 months ago
Collaboration, making themselves valuable by guiding instead of blocking the business processes. Get familiar with operations to become a business partner who provides guidance and a framework to operate. Staff is always willing to cooperate more when they understand the "why" behind principles and regulations. 

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Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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