If you had a magic wand - what's the #1 daily FINANCE challenge you'd eliminate?

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Finance Analyst in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
Incorrect data on prospects.
COO in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
It would have to be data governance and data management. Although they sound like two separate concepts, they're actually one and the same. The reason why I selected data governance and data management is because many times within companies there isn't clear consistency and accuracy with data reporting. You'll notice that a lot of companies are challenged with trying to keep data lineage very clean and consistent. In order to get that, you need to think about how you’ll organize the data in a way that everybody in different departments can use it. One of the best ways to structure your approach is to set up a data governance framework. For example, if you're trying to create a master data tracker for all of the third-party vendors and suppliers that you have, there are a couple of key data points you want to make sure those vendors have. You need to know if they have a trade name for the business that they're known by, a primary remittance address, and an active purchase order agreement or not.
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Founder & CEO in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
Make every effort for Finance to become a profit center by creating incremental value across the organization to cover its annual budget,

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Chief Accounting Officer in Software4 days ago
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