If you could give truth serum to your sales team, what do you think would be their #1 complaint about their roles? As a leader, what can you do to empower them to make a change?

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Enterprise SaaS Deal Coach in Software7 months ago
1. Lack of empathy for the people doing the hardest job on the business.
2. Leadership who hasn’t done the job and ignores input from top performers
3. Complex and frequently changing comp plans
4. Overly complex CRM
5. Too many forecast calls to appease senior leadership vs having them use the data that’s in CRM
6. Abundance of technology to track activity.
7. Lack of systems and live deal coaching to help sellers increase conversions, deal value and recurring revenue
8. See #1.
Director of Supply Chain in Transportation7 months ago
measure me on the things that i can influence and impact - and on measures with a high co-relations to success. Provide me with sales enablement tools and processes, which ensures swift response on both pricing and solutions. allow for highest achievable selling time and provide me with outcome oriented KPI's, LPI's and a motivating incentive framework. As a sales leader dont micromanage - but coach and mentor your team to success!  
Chief Revenue Officer in Banking7 months ago
Not the case in my current role, but this is really common when I'm brought into an organization as a consultant: "Too many unproductive operational meetings that interfere with productive prospect and client activities.". Sales teams are, in many cases, burdened with unrealistic sales goals, then they're pulled out of sales funnel activities to report on funnel progress. I've talked to many organizations who conduct daily sales team meetings to get an update on funnel progress. In addition, sales leadership often conducts one-on-one meetings to discuss individual performance. This type of micro-management will force your best sales reps to take their talent elsewhere. It fosters a culture of distrust, and it's fundamentally counterintuitive to core sales objectives. If you don't think your team can do the job, train them, don't grind them into submission. Most of the information you're looking for should be in your CRM. If it's not, teach your team what to enter, change your CRM measurements, or find a better CRM.  
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President of Strategic Growth in Services (non-Government)7 months ago
For us there is so much opportunity, we just need more hours in the day. To get that we need to invest more in technology/training that will make us more efficient; have the right support; prioritize how we use our time; appropriately reward results.
Director of Sales in Insurance (except health)7 months ago
It would be definatly a couple of things with the same priority. Too much work, highest responsibility and to much administration. Many of the salesforce FTE think that without their presence the company would not be successful, which is true more or less, but that is the same story for all departments within one organisation -  only sales claims that for them in a louder way... Workload and admin work is a normal issue for sales stuff. 
When the "star" thinking is growing I would recommend to make co-travels and co-works, that the sales can show colleagues what they do the entire day and even more important the other way around, because the stress level in house is (could be) usually higher. That grants a better point of view, acceptance and respect. 

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