I think my team can stand out more among all the noise with better cold email outreach. What's the best way you've found to improve this on your team? How can we be more creative?

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Founder in Mediaa year ago
You do not need to be more creative. You need to be more focused on your buyer. Step 1 - meet your buyer where they are at which means using multiple channels. If you are ONLY sending emails, add 1-2 more channels (E.G. cold calls & social). If you really want to be creative, add different touches that include a personalized video or a handwritten note. However, you asked about COLD EMAIL OUTREACH specifically so let me share ideas 2 to help your team write better emails. IDEA 1: Make your emails short & simple. Short = Under 100 words. Simple = 3rd - 5th-grade reading level. IDEA 2: Optimize your preview text. Too often sellers get caught up with writing the wittiest most perfect subject line of all time but then proceed to start their emails with "I hope you are well." What a waste! Instead, use the preview text (subject line + 1st few words of the email) to say something relevant and valuable to THEM. If you make it about your buyer, you will see your open rates, CTRs & reply rates increase. Happy Selling!
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Head of Sales in Softwarea year ago
IMO it is all about relevance. How clear and relevant is your message? Those two will absolutely dominate a more creative message. 

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