I'm struggling to keep my sales and marketing departments aligned. How are others navigating this? What's the first thing I need to do?

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CMO in Software2 years ago
I have weekly syncs with our CRO (Head of Sales) to update each other on progress of initiatives & campaigns, discuss & resolve issues, and brainstorm ideas for things we can try to improve results. We (Marketing) also solicit suggestions from Sales to build our quarterly OKRs & deliverables, and share those back w/ them so they know exactly what we're committed to deliver each quarter & regularly update them on progress. I also send out a biweekly "News You Can Use" email newsletter to Sales with updates & links to things Marketing is doing that we feel are relevant to Sales - new leads, customer success stories, collateral, etc.
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SVP SALES MARKETING AND OPERATIONS in Finance (non-banking)a year ago
That has been the critical component. We are trying to get the right balance as to whether you are just generating numbers to justify that a marketing campaign had a return on investment because it generated X number of leads or are you going to really focus on what produces. We learned we would starve unless we focused on revenue production. If it doesn't have a positive impact on revenue production, it doesn't matter where it came from. Marketing needs to be able to enhance.

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Director of Sales Enablement in Telecommunicationa year ago
Hopefully the company has organized the strategy of "keeping self-service" customers long-term.  Use those reps to ensure customer satisfaction and share resources with those customers.
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