What are other organizations doing around internal mobility? Would you share your strategies and insights?

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VP of HR in Miscellaneousa year ago
We launched a Career Exploration Program in 2021 and we're about to begin our 5th cohort. The program is a 6-month journey starting with self-awareness, moving to business line and role exploration/showcasing, career 'skills' (interviewing as an internal application, resume writing, networking, etc.), and finishing with individual presentations centered on each participant's learning journey and career path. We measure retention and promotion rates for each cohort against a random control group and a matched control group and all five cohorts' promo and retention rates are higher than that of the control groups. 
Head Talent Development in Softwarea year ago
Encouraging and facilitating internal mobility is a vital element in fostering employee motivation and ensuring their continued commitment to the organization. We are strong advocates of internal mobility and have established tools specifically tailored for the regular dissemination and communication of internal opportunities. Our policy states that employees must complete a minimum of 18 months in their current position before they are eligible to apply for internal mobility, including positions posted internally. This process is meticulously overseen by our Talent Management team to ensure fair interview procedures, prioritization of internal candidates, seamless transitions into new roles, and the collection of feedback at every stage.
AVP of HR in Healthcare and Biotech6 months ago
What are key leadership behaviors that facilitate cross pollination of internal talent?
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Human Resources Manager in Banking6 months ago
we're exploring, piloting and implementing two mechanisms in parallel: 1) a formal and systematic rotation program for core operational employees every 4 years, and 2) a more fluid and indicative employee-to-upcoming opportunities matching framework that aims at aiding employees to prepare themselves for next career moves in advance. 
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Internal Mobility Program Manager in Hardware3 months ago

I'd love to understand more about your rotation program and matching framework, and what supports/tools you have for employees to explore how to decide on and prepare for their next career move.

Founder in Services (non-Government)2 months ago
Here's a great article that puts freedom and market dynamics at the center of an organization which makes internal mobility just how things are done around here...  https://www.corporate-rebels.com/blog/ecosystem-of-startups

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view: https://www.rewardgateway.com/blog/employee-turnover-rates-by-industry

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Yes, this allows Google to see competitor compensation package structures and improve their own.81%

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