I had an interesting conversation this morning about whether smaller organisations don't have the luxury of having different expert teams to support the different data management disciplines. I have often seen Data Governance Teams take on other non-DG data activities. What has been your experience with this?

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Head of Data in Bankinga year ago
I have seen this happen in both large and small organizations.  A primary reason is definitely budgetary constraints as mentioned in the original post, but also low data maturity resulting in the DG roles not being well understood and therefore not well defined.  I don't think it is a tragedy to extend the DG Analyst or team's portfolio to related data management areas - if the job is just about implementing policies and checking controls, it will very quickly become stale.  The tragedy, however, is that the most important skills are not included in JDs - influence, communication, etc.  After all, Data Governance is about people first and foremost, not policies and procedures.
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The Data Governance Coach in Miscellaneousa year ago

I totally agree - I'm always saying that Data Governance is more about people than data!

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Director in IT Servicesa year ago
I have often observed it's the other way around in most smaller organizations, where there is no dedicated governance person/team/council, but rather the team responsible for data, usually the BI or the D&A team, does some data governance activities in their free time.

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Yes, but it doesn’t exist yet26%

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Data Manager in Miscellaneous3 months ago
top of mind for me is cost, integration, compatibility, scalability, compliance (depending on industry), security (encryption of data in transit), and end user experience.
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Data Manager4 months ago
It depends a lot on the nature of your research. I've published peer reviewed research (in scientific journals) and I'm currently working with a publisher on a book.

For peer reviewed research, you locate a journal ...read more
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I wish I knew5%

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