What are some points to consider when choosing between an application's built-in reporting, and developing bespoke datasets for users to leverage in a common reporting tool?

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Data Manager in Miscellaneous3 months ago
top of mind for me is cost, integration, compatibility, scalability, compliance (depending on industry), security (encryption of data in transit), and end user experience.
IT Manager in Energy and Utilities3 months ago
There are many criteria that could be applied, and I'm sure this thread will highlight quite a few.

One area that you may wish to consider is how timely must the reporting be?  Do you need the reporting to be live/real time i.e. truly reflecting the current state?  If this isn't important don't worry.  

Other thoughts might be to think about use cases for blended datasets - what do you achieve by bringing data together from two or more sources?  Are you using a composable architecture?  If you are, you'll most likey want to unite your data in a common tool.

Also consider how easy it is to work with the application data - do you understand the application schema - in larger applications this may be complex or heavily typed - allowing a record to represent differing objects - if your organisation has the skills to work through a common tool could be beneficial, otherwise you may be better off with the built-in reporting functions.

IT Manager3 months ago
When deciding between an application's built-in reporting and developing bespoke datasets for a common reporting tool, consider a few key points. Built-in reporting is easy to use and comes ready-made, like the simple sales summaries you get directly from an e-commerce platform, but it can be limited in flexibility and integration. On the other hand, creating bespoke datasets offers more customization and integration options, like using PowerBI to pull data from various sources for a comprehensive financial dashboard, but it requires more technical know-how and setup time. Built-in options are generally quicker and cheaper to get started with, while bespoke solutions can scale better and handle more complex data needs as your business grows.
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Principal Software Engineer, Data Engineering in Energy and Utilities3 months ago
Leveraging a common modern reporting tool is a better option as it gives an ability to have a one stop shop for reporting needs across the organization. The datasets can be created from various data sources using joins which are the key requirements these days. Also data governance is easier using the common reporting tool. 
Sr Solutions Architect in Healthcare and Biotech3 months ago
Ease of use, ability to empower users to create their own reports, complexity of managing multiple systems/creation of data sets, and whether the enterprise is willing to accept the risk of additional system sprawl to accommodate the tool.

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