How are you transforming your approach to talent development in technology teams to foster continuous learning and adaptability in a rapidly changing tech landscape?

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HEAD OF MARKET INSIGHTS in Software3 months ago
We embrace a "growth mindset" – failed experiments from hackathons or internal innovation challenges become springboards for team learning and iteration. This fosters a culture of continuous improvement and risk-taking.
Director of Engineering3 months ago
We have adopted and developed our skill enhancement framework to help team members choose, learn and apply 2 new skills each year.
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VP of Engineering in Insurance (except health)2 months ago
We recently updated all of our job descriptions and redefined career paths for our technology team members to ensure everyone has a clear understanding of what the expectations are for them today and for the next level in terms of career progression. The Gartner job description templates were very useful in helping us complete these rewrites.   

We've also asked one of our Senior Managers on the Software Engineering team to conduct a skills gap analysis which is going to identify where our organization needs additional focus.  The intent is to fill gaps through a combination or training, mentoring and potentially new hires.  With the rapid changes to the tech landscape, we are planning to update the skills gap analysis at least annually.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Yes, visibility for protecting key employees and executives on social media is part of our cybersecurity budget.56%

No, we do not have a solution or visibility to protect key employees on social media.38%

No, but we plan to budget for key employee and executive protection in the future.5%

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1.5k views2 Upvotes
243 views2 Upvotes

Our software development strategy requirements entirely inform what we need from the network infrastructure22%

Our network infrastructure team seeks input on needs and requirements from our software development team56%

Our software development team sends requests to the network infrastructure team for consideration45%

Our network infrastructure team creates requirements in a silo and dictates what capabilities we can offer for our software applications24%

Our customer needs dictate what is needed from our network infrastructure18%

Our customer needs dictate what is required from our software development team11%

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