How do you show your team that you view them as people and not just employees?

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Director of IT7 months ago
Every challenge my team faces, I look at it like I am there to help them, not the reverse.

If I approach them as a servant leader it gives proper perspective to ensure you understand their problems and challenges and helps you empathize with them.

Lines like "Why aren't you done?" or "Why is this challenging for you?" are not really great... lines like "How can I help you?"  or "Is there anything I can do to help you with this challenge?"  are much better.

When you see a team member stuck, show you are in it with them and you are taking responsibility for their success by saying "Let's chat and work through this together, I am sure we can figure something out"
VP of Information Security7 months ago
As Murray Macchio noted in his reply, being a servant leader, in all respects of personal interactions, can demonstrate to the team that you not only value their contributions, but you also value their wellbeing.
Personally, I make purposeful time with my team(s) to get to know them, their families, career goals and the realities that they may be facing outside of work. People are just that, people. They are much more than a collection of skills or work outcomes. 
Yes, there can be a fine line between leadership and developing too much of a personal relationship that can erode accountability between a leader and their teams. However, approaching these moments with an understanding of, "what's happening outside of the office" is evident to those you work with and, I've found to be greatly appreciated. 
Director of Supply Chain7 months ago
Ensure you make time for your team, schedule 1-2-1's and keep them. Even if there is nothing to talk about, it is 45 mins to have a coffee and check in.

Make sure your team know you are there to help and that your success is only possible with their help.
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Program Director, Manufacturing Professional Development in Education7 months ago

To show your team they're more than just employees, it's all about being real with them. Make sure you truly see their unique value and let that guide how you interact. Be genuinely curious about their lives beyond work and adapt how you lead to highlight their strengths. Spend quality time together, offering guidance and support based on what they tell you and what you notice. This approach not only shows you care about them as individuals but also builds a work environment where everyone feels appreciated and motivated to bring their best selves to the table.
VP of Operations7 months ago
To show your team you see them as people, you need to actually treat them as people and not fake it. People have personal lives, problems, emotions, ask how they are doing, be genuinely interested when they share with you, remember their birthdays, take them for a lunch, you name it. 


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