How are you reporting on and promoting L&D impacts/outcomes in your organization?  What metrics have you found senior leaders to be most interested in?

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Head Talent Development in Software8 months ago
Securing budget for L&D can be challenging, as training initiatives are often perceived as costs rather than investments because of the difficulty in demonstrating immediate productivity gains.

 Key performance indicators (KPIs) that could be of interest to senior leadership are:

1. Unique Learners: Percentage of individuals who have successfully completed one or more courses.
2. Learning Hours & Average Learning Hours: Capturing the total time invested in learning and the average duration, showcasing the commitment to continuous development.
3. Number of Certifications: Certifications acquired on emerging skills aligned with the strategic business direction, with a target of 10% growth year over year.
4. Compliance Percentage: Ensuring alignment with regulatory requirements and internal policies.

While these KPIs form part of our regular reporting dashboard to showcase the overall health of our learning initiatives, we also emphasize data-driven impacts that demonstrates tangible results:

1. Training Programs that Creates Impact: Highlighting success stories from upskilling initiatives that have enhanced current work, reduced external hiring, and contributed to cost savings.

2. Training Linked to Performance: Demonstrating a positive correlation between performance appraisal ratings and the investment in learning hours, showing an upward trend over time on ratings as resources acquire new skills.

3. Pool Resource Skilling: Enabling pool resources that have undergone focused initiatives and subsequently been deployed into billable roles, showcasing the direct impact on the organization's capabilities.

4. Learning Linked to Assessments: Measuring success through the percentage of individuals who have successfully cleared skill-based assessments following the completion of learning paths.

5. Learning Linked to Productivity: Collaborating closely with the Quality team to assess improvements in productivity metrics such as sprint velocity, user stories delivered, and client Net Promoter Score (NPS) post-training.

Happy to get into a call to discuss.
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Director of HR8 months ago
This is a bit of a new area in terms of measuring impact. That said, currently our major metrics for review are


Completion levels across the business

Employee Opinion Survey scores – Increase/Decrease in the Culture+ DEI categories

Review of our customer feedback data.

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VP of Global IT and Cybersecurity in Manufacturing6 years ago
Have clear business requirements up front, make sure the proposal includes items such as scope, timeline, cost, resources.
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Director of HR5 days ago
Sounds brilliant.  Cross fertilisation of ideas, people understanding other jobs in the business.  I guess you'd want to make sure it didn't get out of control, but someone from one function helping someone in another has more
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