How can PR professionals and analyst relations teams leverage GenAI to create compelling stories and content? Have you seen any standout examples in the industry?

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Director of Marketing in Educationa year ago
We have started to play around with AI to create a more cohesive website story. For instance, our homepage has many different sections but they are all tied together with a cohesive message to prospective students. AI helps to get the story started and gives us ideas but it doesn't generate the full story for us.
VP of Marketing and Retail Sales in Energy and Utilitiesa year ago
It helps very much if you ask the AI for information about what the Customers would like to read about your company. Sometimes you get very useful hints.
Example Prompt: We are Glasses Inc. we produce high quality sunglasses in California. What do you think would be an interesting story to tell to our customers?
Director of Salesa year ago
GenAI is a very useful tool for creatives when looking for inspiration, the characterization of consumers derived from the data provided by it, allows the creation of much more specific and representative content, providing very useful insights. It is a collaborative tool for the creation of new and fresh concepts.  An example of its use is that sometimes it helps us to describe the different collections we're promoting in social media. 

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Director of Marketing in Softwarea year ago
While I have only been using GenAI sparingly, others are effectively using it for tasks such as pitching briefings or inviting analysts to events. Solutions like ChatGPT can quickly extract relevant information and highlights from available content, making it easier to create persuasive pitches. Instead of manually searching through event details and session descriptions, generative AI can retrieve the necessary information based on the user's query, saving time and effort.

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Open AI (Game Changer: adoption w/ChatGPT)41%

Google (Game Changer: inventor of Transformers, Bard)19%

Microsoft (Game Changer: real time BingGPT+Search plus enterprise enablement)19%

Meta (Game Changer: LLM that can run on single GPU)6%

Amazon (Game Changer: TBD)4%

X.AI / Elon Musk (Game Changer: TBD)3%

Baidu (Chinese tech giant, with GPT version released in March)2%

Someone completely new6%

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