How are you managing the risk of AI transcription bots like and

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CIO in Energy and Utilitiesa year ago
I use and familiar with its limited capabilities. To start with, the voice recording capability of the app is more risky than its transcription capability. This is because the transcript for non-native English speakers are still primitive and even with iteration of usage it has lots of transcripts mistakes. I’ve seen good integrations between Otter and MS Teams. The fact that the audio recording of the meeting is stored in the cloud is questionable. The risk is if such files are leaked. However, like any other SaaS application this risk can be mitigated by not placing confidential meetings in Otter or create a setting for immediate removal of the transcript once the file is downloaded or shared.
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Managing Partner in Miscellaneousa year ago
You can write policies, you can enforce policies, but you can not fundamentally defy gravity. AI assistance of all forms is the future. Embrace to the maximum extent possible because your competition definitely will.

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Human Factors (fears, mental health, physical spacing)85%

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