How do you encourage knowledge sharing and collaboration among your team members for GenAI? Do you have dedicated channels or processes for sharing information and techniques?

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VP of Engineering5 months ago
It's important to note that we're still in the early stages with GenAI, with our primary focus being on developer productivity. We've established a system where we provide the tools and goals to our developers, then encourage them to share their learning and thoughts either in a Slack group or in periodic meetings. This approach has been kept rather informal. However, if it's a project not related to GenAI, I believe that having a project we're experimenting with or trying on works best.

VP of Engineering5 months ago
We have a few traditional methods in place, such as monthly "lunch and learn" sessions. These are especially popular within our digital teams. We also have platform teams who work on new PO's, new navigation, and new tech. These teams present their work on a monthly basis. In addition to this, we have a developer portal where we post learnings and recordings - it's like our own internal YouTube channel for learning. We even invite vendors like Microsoft to show us what's on their roadmap and help us learn. We also work with Adobe on their experience cloud stack. We leverage these vendors to teach us about solving business problems, which excites our developers. Lastly, we always encourage our developers to take advantage of these learning opportunities and foster a culture of continuous learning.
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SVP Technology in Insurance (except health)5 months ago
We hold a weekly meeting with all the tech leads and leadership to foster an incubator style environment. Team members can sign up for a slot to demo what they've built and how they've done it. Lately, most of these presentations are around GenAI. These meetings generate discussions among tech leads and leaders on how they can use the same patterns and features being built with GenAI in their own areas. The goal is to leverage these patterns and features throughout the organization, and this approach has proven to be particularly effective for us.

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IT Manager in Constructiona month ago
the topic is so broad, what are you focused on?
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