How did you get started in the software industry? What was your first job title?

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Associate Director of Software Engineering in Finance (non-banking)4 months ago
I got my start in the software industry by chance. When I was eight years old, my parents enrolled me in an afternoon programming course for kids. By the time I was 14, I was already dabbling in various tech-related projects like building websites. It was a natural progression for me, rather than a planned career path. My first official job title in the industry was Webmaster.

VP of Engineering4 months ago
I took some HTML classes in high school and college, but it was more of a side interest. I pursued a communication degree at the University of Utah. However, I realized that tech was my passion, so I started building websites. My first project was for a local hardware store. From there, I took on more clients and eventually landed my first job at Extra Space in 2009 as a junior web developer. My experience was primarily based on a couple of years of freelance web development.

VP of Engineering4 months ago
Growing up in India, it was common to either become a doctor or an engineer. I was always into computers and started learning basic programming in 8th grade. My first job was as a software engineer for a startup. They had a debt collection agency and wanted to build a web-based collection software, which I developed for them.

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CTO in Media4 months ago
My interest in programming started when my dad brought home a TI cartridge-based system from a garage sale when I was six. My first paid job was with a mortgage software company when I was 15. I cold-called them after a classmate lied about working there. I figured if he could get a job there, so could I. It turned out he had made it up, but I still managed to land the job.
VP of Engineering4 months ago
I didn't have access to computers growing up in a small town in India. My first exposure to programming was during my mechanical engineering degree when we had a project to optimize air conditioning systems. That's when I learned C. I was hired straight out of college by a consulting company in India as an Associate Systems Analyst. My first project was working on COBOL programming for Y2K.


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