How comfortable do you feel conducting employee performance reviews?

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Director of Value Realization and COE Programs in Software2 years ago
I feel very comfortable. The reason why is because I set expectations early and I walk the walk - lead by example. I also assume the best in people and if they are not performing well I don't assume that they are doing it on purpose. Something must be wrong so I ask about that and I try to get to the root cause. Not too long ago I worked with someone who I felt was disengaged and not focusing well. Calls were disorganized and we had to repeat topics multiple times. I was a bit frustrated.
I asked them if there was something I could do to organize our work and tried to provide some additional suggestions for getting things done. I found out two months later that this persons mother had late stage cancer and had just passed away. 
Performance reviews should happen in real time, when things are either going well or not. If you don't have the right words for what you want to say Google can help. If nothing else, follow the golden rule. Treat others as you would want them to treat you.
Director of IT in Education2 years ago
I feel very comfortable conducting employees performance reviews. All my staff has a performance plan that laid out expectations, and performance is tracked throughout the year. We have periodic meetings (one-on-one) so at the end of the year there are no surprises.
CIO in Education2 years ago
Very comfortable. At this point, though, it should be less about a review of performance and more of a conversation around career growth and development. We shouldn't need a formal process or a calendar to let our employees know if they are doing a good job (or to that end, a poor one). This should all be done "just in time".
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CMO in Healthcare and Biotech2 years ago
Very comfortable. Every member of my team and I speak every day anyway so if there was an issue, it was previously brought up and addressed accordingly.
Global Head of AI, Data & Analytics in Software2 years ago
Very comfortable for those I have had sufficient time to develop a rapport with

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Sr Talent Acquisition Strategist in Healthcare and Biotech8 days ago
I think it depends on the industry. Here is one article that supports this point of view:

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