How do you avoid the 'uncanny valley' feeling in your marketing content when using GenAI?

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VP of Marketing in Services (non-Government)4 months ago
Text: use a 4 steps approach for writing content, with 1) being optional (i.e. only if needed)
1) use genAI to get ideas
2) write a flow/bullet points/core ideas yourself
3) ask GenAI to write the text from those
4) reread and manually edit, often no more than 5-15% is enough if 2) is good.

Note: I found that GenAI works quite well in 3) when teh input for 2) is an existing ebook or brochure.

- Avoid people in the image
- Meta image gen is better than Copilot/Dall-E when you do need people.

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Communications Manager in Finance (non-banking)4 months ago
Indeed, use AI for input and creative ideas. And use that yourself to put the final text together.

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