We are dealing with the painful task of integrating Generative IA in our architecture, applications, etc. To cope with regulation we need to keep an inventory of all of our IA models.  What are the attributes you would (or are already using) to maintain such inventory? Could you share what attributes do you believe that are relevant to decide witch LMM is right for the problem you want to solve?

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Global Intelligent Automation & GenAI Leader in Healthcare and Biotech9 months ago
Are we talking about IA ( Intelligent Automation) or Generative AI (Artificial Intelligence)

I have been integrating GenAI into my Enterprise Automation work by having the automation prompt the LLM and using Automation in this way to perform and create an Auditable process using AI. 

I call this IA and GenAI use-case AI-Spanning. As a member, you should be able to contact me if you need more information. 
Senior Data Scientist in Miscellaneous9 months ago
frankly speaking, I'd less ask for attributes. Instead I'd check, if your models are relevant to the EU and US AI acts. Maybe the NIST AI Risk Management Framework (see: https://www.nist.gov/itl/ai-risk-management-framework) might help you in a comprehensive way.
Good luck!
Lead Enterprise Architect in Energy and Utilities7 months ago

As I’ve promised, here you have the list of attributes that we have included in the inventory so far. Bear in mind that we must considered all IA models, no matter if they are generative or not. Attributes with “*” are mandatory.

Name*:   // Name of the model. Give to your model a cool name.
Model objective*: // One of these:
        Document efficiency
        Relational efficiency
        Content generation
        User interaction
        Other: Indicate
Description*: // Text with a brief description about what is the purpose of this model.
Risk Level*: // According to the EU regulation
        Inadmissible // Obviously this should never be used.
Security and Ethics*: // Text. Any consideration regarding to security and ethics that must be         taken into account.
Deployment*: // Where is this model deployed?
        Other: Indicate
Use (Internal/External)*: // Is this model used only for internal employee or can it be accessed         outside the company?
Application that uses the model: // Text.  Usually, a model doesn’t run by itself, it is wrapper by         an application. Name it here. Application portfolio (another inventory) should point also to this       model.
Application(s) in which it is used*: // Text. The output of the model could be used by others         applications. Name them here.
State*: // What is the state of this model regarding lifecycle?
        Test (SQA)
Responsible in the company*: // Who is in charge of this model *inside* the company.
Intellectual property*: // Has the company the IP of the model? Is it shared with other company?         Is it 100% other company IP?
Documentation: // Points to a document repository where this model documentation is stored.
Family: // Model family. For now we are focused in just two: “AI” / “Gen AI”.
Model: // One of these:
        Decision tree
        Neural networks
        Deep learning
        Genetic algorithms
        Natural language processing
        Adversarial networks
        Other: Indicate
Programming language used: // In what programming language is this model developed
Libraries: // List of libraries that this model needs to run. Use a plain list of a requirements.txt file.
Performance Metrics: // Indicate this model performance using a well know metric:
        Mean square error
        Root mean square error
        Mean absolute error
        Absolute median error
        Determination coefficient (R2)
        Other: Indicate
Hyperparameters: // List and values of the models’ hyperparameters.
Seed: // Indicate the seed’s value. If it is a random value, just use “random”.
Source code path: // If you have this model source code, put here a reference to the code         repository (could be a link to github)
Prediction frequency: // How often this algorithm runs to create a prediction (or output)
Retraining frequency: // How often this algorithm is retrained.
Last training date: // When was the last time this algorithm retrained.
Costs: // Computational cost of running this algorithm.
Development date: // When was this algorithm developed.
Hardware / Software requirements: // Is there a special requirement to run this model (GPU,         Memory, etc.)
License: // use this field if there are special consideration regarding licensing.
Input data: // For each source of data: Name of the source, location (ftp, api, etc.), format,         security concerns.
Output data: // for each output: Name of the output, location, format, security concerns.
Training data: // *same as input data*

I'll update this post with any new information that we should add (or remove!) from the inventory
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Lead Enterprise Architect in Energy and Utilities3 months ago

The latest version of the European regulation document gives a detailed explanation of the necessary technical documentation. All the information is in article 11 and annex IV. It must be taken into account that this need for documentation applies only to high-risk systems and that there is no distinction between types of AI (Generative or not).

Best regards,,
Senior Data Scientist in Miscellaneous3 months ago
Aware of th eimpact of the EU AI Act, there is an ongoing initiative to assist the companies in dealing with the consequences out of. See: https://digital-strategy.ec.europa.eu/en/policies/ai-pact

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