What are some of the systems or solutions you have used for traceability in your respective areas and what would be the things to watch for in selecting a good traceability solution?

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Business Technology Partner in Media6 months ago
Are you asking about track and trace? If so, I haven't seen anyone successfully do this at scale. The industries I have been a part of didn't have a big focus on it; perhaps someone in food or pharmaceuticals would have a perspective on how they track batches and lots based on regulatory compliance.
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Supply Chain Manager6 months ago

Thanks Tommy. Yes it is about track and trace and if anyone here who is from Food or Pharmaceutical company can help in understanding how they track their batches specifically to complex geographical areas e.g limited infrastructures , security issues etc I will highly appreciate.

Founder6 months ago
Good question. 

When it comes to package delivery, I think it would be hard for any company to beat the largest and most cost effective system and logistics network such as USPS, the US post office. 

It can track and trace close to real-time. The best part is that those data is readily available. 

I have seen some organizations take advantage of this system, use this mail service (including Amazon, UPS, other online e-Commerce stores), integrated into their track and trace system and sharing real-time update with their users and clients.

When it comes to track and trace in truck load or LTL deliveries, there are some systems and service (software and hardware) companies provide these solutions. It has been here for a while and it is scalable. 

If companies do not have enough manpower in this area. There are some companies provide a skilled team to implement solutions that your company is looking to operate/customize specifically to fit your company's needs to serve your clients. Whatever that might be.

Hope that helps. If you have any questions, please let me know. Good luck with your project.
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Supply Chain Manager6 months ago

Thank you so much for this great insight. Much appreciated

Founder6 months ago

You are so welcome. I'm glad you find it helpful. Good luck with your project.

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